Sunday, February 27, 2011

Thing 3: Mashup - Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan

* how did the collage-like aspect of the mashup work help (or not help) your creative capacity?
It did help a lot. Having all the digital resources in one place has always been a hassle (opening multiple webpages and tabs ). This simplified that process, however this still didn't have the best user-friendly control. Moving the items around sometimes got very frustrating to use.

* did you enjoy the visual aspect--moving items around and creating a pleasing collage?
Yes, I did enjoy this. But like mentioned above sometimes moving stuff around wasn't very intuitive.

* what are the advantages to a mashup versus a written story on a topic? disadvantages?
Advantage: the variety of media. Songs/images/videos/live webpage makes it a very good resource.
Disadvantage: even though it really help with the brainstorming process, it can still get very confusing. It doesn't have any order and we can overlook somethings.

* is Datamasher a great tool for writers? Or is it "lying with numbers"? Or "a cool way to get ideas for opinion papers"?
It is a cool way to get ideas, specially when working on papers (am thinking related to Economics being an Econ major) but I am not very certain of their sources. I wouldn't in any case use this as my main research data. There can be a variety of things that can skew the way the data is being presented and Datamasher does very little in explaining how the charts were formed. It's like Wikipedia for me, it can help but we can't rely on it.

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